Chanting “ZIM Is a Killer, Don’t Move ZIM”, “ALL-Ways Forwarding cut your ties, No ZIM containers tied to genocide”, “ZIM, All-Ways hear our roar, No shipping profits from blood-stained shores”, and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” about 80 protestors picketed the Headquarters of ALL-Ways Forwarding Monday, 7/29, in Elizabeth, NJ. It was the opening salvo of a new campaign. In a campaign victory, ALL-Ways Forwarding closed their offices before the protestors even arrived, in fear of the well publicized event.
Protestors want to #StopZIM, the zionist entity’s major shipping company, and the 10th largest worldwide, from holding up the genocidal entity’s flailing economy. They demand that All-Ways Forwarding, leave those boxes on the dock, and #DontMoveZIM. ALL-Ways is the firm which contracts trucking companies to get ZIM containers to & from the ZIM ships, which dock in Elizabeth, NJ almost weekly.