Original online here.

Saturday, July 27, 2024 — SEIU Local 1021 @seiu1021 passed a Divestment Resolution that rank-and-file members of 1021 Members for Palestine’s Divestment Committee drafted. Several Divestment Committee members attended key Budget and Finance Committee meetings at the Local to better understand the financial landscape, taking a deep dive into the various sectors, and was in consultation of the Financial Advisors’ analysis of identified companies linked to the the Zionist entity (“Israel”), all of which informed the resolution.
The resolution calls for the Local to disclose the current Investment Policy Statement, and also directs the Local to amend the investment policy to:
● Divest from weapons manufacturers and companies that build technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and surveillance technology for military use,
● Divest from private prison companies, immigrant detention companies and border patrol contractors,
● Divest from companies that profit from apartheid, colonization, and ethnic cleansing,
● Divest from the fossil fuel industry
This resolution passed because of organized solidarity of the rank-and-file, by making personal calls to Executive Board members, visual testimony displayed through a Padlet that was sent through email, and physically showing up outside the Executive Board Meeting in Fairfield, CA to greet Eboard members with art and passion to garner support. Many also joined on Zoom to speak in support of the Divestment Resolution, drawing connections between struggles, with the understanding that we are labor and represent the working class, in solidarity for justice.
SEIU Local 1021 IS divesting from companies that profit from occupation, apartheid, colonization, and genocide, severing financial complicity. Free Palestine!
We hope you’re inspired to make waves within your unions and workplaces to DIVEST!
#divest #disclosedivest #bds #freepalestine
SEIU Local 1021 Resolution on Divestment From the Occupation and Genocide in Palestine
June 22, 2024
WHEREAS, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1021 is a proudly diverse, principled union representing over 60,000 members who work every day to run our municipalities, schools, courts, special districts, health care facilities and publicly funded non-profits; and
WHEREAS, union members contribute dues to grow our power and to build a more just future for all working people; and
WHEREAS, our funds, if invested in companies that profit from the US military complex, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing undermine our goals as a union and harm the working class; and
WHEREAS, SEIU 1021 has already called for a Ceasefire, Humanitarian Aid, and an End to the Occupation of Palestine, in a resolution that specifically opposes military aid to Israel, withdrawal of Israeli forces and settlers illegally occupying Gaza and the West Bank, and an end to the apartheid policies of the Israeli state; and
WHEREAS, solidarity through boycotts, sanctions and divestments have a long, proud tradition in the Labor Movement, from divesting from slavery, to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, to the Farmerworkers Delano Grape Strike and Boycott, to bringing down apartheid in South Africa, to aiding other unions in their strikes, contract fights and organizing; then
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that SEIU 1021 shall immediately publicly disclose our current Investment
Policy Statement, and amend this policy in accordance with this divestment resolution and our union values.
Additionally, an annual report shall be furnished at an Executive Board meeting of current expenditures with full transparency, including direct and indirect investments, stocks, bonds, hedge funds, and other monetary streams; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that SEIU 1021’s Investment Policy should specifically guide us to:
● Divest from weapons manufacturers and companies that build technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and surveillance technology for military use,
● Divest from private prison companies, immigrant detention companies and border patrol contractors,
● Divest from companies that profit from apartheid, colonization, and ethnic cleansing,
● Divest from the fossil fuel industry; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that SEIU 1021 should utilize the guidance of respected human rights
organizations to inform our investment choices, and specifically look to the guidelines set out by the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions movement, the American Friends Service Committee & third party certification agencies to develop investment plans that align with our aims as a union; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we shall audit our investments at least every 3 years with the aim of
bringing investments in line with the principles stated in this resolution; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that SEIU 1021 should share our updated Investment Policy Statement and this resolution on Divestment with other unions, organizations, and shall use our influence – including our
delegates to the California SEIU State Council and the International Executive Board (IEB) – to promote similar Resolutions and Policies for the California SEIU State Council and SEIU International to adopt