Monthly Archives: February 2024

Bay Area Labor for Palestine Mass Organizing Meeting & Teach-In Program Brochure

10:30 Doors open

11-11:45 Opening Session

  • Lara Kiswani, AROC
  • Monadel Herzallah (Arab American Union Members Council and L4P)
  • Golzar Tehrani (1021 Members for Palestine)

12-12:45 First Workshop Block

1-1:45 Second Workshop Block

2-3 Closing Session & Mass Action Presentation

Mosaic benchesLeveraging Labor’s Electoral Power
Harisson #2BDS Workshop for Union Activists on Divesting our Public Pension Funds
Back parking lot #2Opening Up Palestine Conversations With Coworkers
Westlake entranceBuilding an Organizing Committee through a Successful Issue Campaign
Back parking lot #1Retaliation Defense: Fighting for Palestine in a Hostile Workplace
Peace CenterPalestinian History: Under Occupation
Peace CenterThe Israeli Histadrut, Zionism, South Africa & The AFL-CIO
Harisson #1Labor and Community BDS: Blockade, Disrupt and Strike

Don’t know what workshop to go to? Follow the theme guide!

🌱New to Palestine Organizing 🍎Educator  ❤️Spanish translation

 👍Public Sector   📗Political Education    🗳️Electoral   

🍉Organizing a Palestine Committee in the workplace

⭐Deepening your Palestine committee’s work 

Block One, 12:00- 12:50

Educators 4 Palestine Workshop 🍎

Hosted by OEA for Palestine, Main Room

OEA members will share their experiences organizing a district wide teach-in, followed by a guided workshop around next steps educators can take collectively around Palestine.

Pro-Palestine Resolution How-to  🍉

1021 Members for Palestine, Library

Members will share organizing strategies, challenges, tips, and resources to pass a resolution like SEIU 1021s calling for ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and an end to the occupation of Palestine. 

Opening Up Palestine Conversations With Coworkers🍉🌱❤️

Classroom 111

Based on Labor Notes’ Secrets of a Successful Organizer workshops, we’ll practice one on one organizing conversations to build stronger collective action in our unions for Palestine.

Building an Organizing Committee through a Successful Issue Campaign 🌱🍎👍🍉⭐

Classroom 110

In this workshop, we will go over the basics of forming an organizing committee around an issue campaign. We will break into small groups to create an outline for a potential power-building Palestine solidarity campaign in our own workplaces.

The Prospects of a Regional War and Resistance to US Empire 📗🌱🗳️

Rayan El-Amine, Classroom 105

This workshop will give background on regional players surrounding Palestine and the limits of US empire and Israeli militarism. 

Palestinian History: Foundational Concepts and pre-1967

Saif Mehyar, Classroom 108  🌱📗❤️

This session will go over how colonization alters indigenous societies. The session will discuss Zionism, the Nakba (Israel’s birth, Palestine’s catastrophe), and events leading up to the military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank in 1967.

Workers Stop Arming Israel 👍📗🌱❤️

UAW Labor for Palestine, Researchers Against the War, No Tech for Apartheid, and Block the Boat, Classroom 107

How can workers in production, logistics, academia, tech, and beyond can use our power at the workplace to answer the call from Palestinian trade unions to “End all complicity, stop arming Israel”? 

Zionism and The Attack on Journalists in Gaza, The West Bank and Around the World 📗

Cedrick O’Bannon and Steve Zeltzer, Classroom 106

This workshop will address Israel’s targeted attacks on journalists in the West Bank and in Gaza, including Shireen Abu Akleh. 

Block Two, 1:00- 1:50

Leveraging Labor’s Electoral Power 👍🗳️❤️

Zach W, Main Room

Join this breakout for a discussion on how we can organize within our unions to leverage labor’s electoral power to move Biden and electeds to stop backing this genocide and arming Israel’s military. 

BDS Workshop for Divesting our Public Pension Funds 

Maura (OEA), Firas (IFPTE), and Omar (CFA-SFSU) 👍🍎


This workshop will provide a general introduction to BDS and think through ways to craft a divestment campaign that can bring together different public sector unions in the Bay Area.

Retaliation Defense: Fighting for Palestine in a Hostile Workplace 🍉🌱

Classroom 108

How do we defend our right to express solidarity with Palestine, and build a more democratic workplace in the process? Hear from coffee workers, who organized a union after bosses sent them home for wearing pro-Palestine pins.

Palestinian History: Under Occupation 🌱📗❤️

Linda Khoury-Umili, Classroom 107

In this session, you will get an in-depth understanding of life under Israeli occupation as well as the events that lead to the genocide in Gaza today.

The Israeli Histadrut, Zionism, South Africa & The AFL-CIO

Steve Zeltzer, Jeff Lankfort, and Lisa Milos, Classroom 106📗

This panel will look at the history of Labor Zionism and the formation of Histadrut which is part of the Israeli state. 

Labor and Community BDS: Blockade, Disrupt and Strike

Barucha and Robbie, Classroom 105🌱⭐❤️

A presentation and open discussion on the US economy as a target. Exploring and strategizing ways to exploit the power of our class, and to identify and disrupt the circulation of capital as a pinpointed protest of the US war economy.

Repeated from Block One:

Building an Organizing Committee through a Successful Issue Campaign, Classroom 110 🌱🍎👍🍉⭐ 

In this workshop, we will go over the basics of forming an organizing committee around an issue campaign. We will break into small groups to create an outline for a potential power-building Palestine solidarity campaign in our own workplaces.

Opening Up Palestine Conversations With Coworkers, Classroom 111 🍉🌱

Based on Labor Notes’ Secrets of a Successful Organizer workshops, we’ll practice one on one organizing conversations to build stronger collective action in our unions for Palestine.