Call on NYSNA for Palestine (Healthcare Workers for Palestine NYC and Healthcare Workers for Palestine)

Original online here.

This Nurses Week, we call on @nynurses to take a stand for Palestine. Since October, NYSNA leadership has only quietly endorsed a tepid statement on the “Crisis in the Middle East,” released by California Nurses’ Association/NNU. They have otherwise refused to act, and their silence is glaring. NYSNA still maintains financial and political ties that support the genocidal actions of Israel. We know that our union can do better and make the following demands of NYSNA:

Issue a statement calling not only for a permanent ceasefire but also for an end to the occupation and apartheid system in Palestine.

Organize demonstrations, actions, and political activity consistent with our position against the oppression of Palestinians.

Withhold support from Zionist politicians who accept money from AIPAC, work with white supremacists, and refuse to call for a permanent ceasefire.

Divest our pensions from corporations that benefit from oppression and colonialism, and disclose all pension investments to members so that we know how our money is being invested.

Release a statement condemning the repression of the recent student uprising and calling for all charges against protestors to be dropped.

Mobilize members to defend those being targeted, censored, and even arrested, just for fighting in support of Palestine.

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